Custom Drains

shower grate

When designing and renovating bathrooms, it is important to consider every detail and aspect. Oftentimes, you only focus on the tiles – what design to choose, what colour, and what shape. The best bathroom designs, however, are carefully thought of, and this includes your shower drains. We believe your comfort and experience in your shower rooms are affected by the quality of your shower drain, and we are here to help you choose the perfect drain for you.

Why customise your drains

Customising your shower drains allow you to choose a drain that works best for your bathroom. Choosing the right drain can be both stylish and functional. Shower drains come in many shapes and sizes, so you have plenty of options for your design wants and needs.

How will you know if it is the best drain for you? The drain you love to look at and the one that suits your needs is the best drain for you and your shower room.

Types of drains

  • Linear Drains

Linear drains work well for tub to shower conversion. It requires the floor to be pitched in one direction, and is perfect for open showers. You can place linear drains against the wall, at the shower entrance or under a bench. They can also be used around swimming pools and patios. If you are looking for a smooth look, then a linear drain is for you.

  • Tile Insert Drains

Also called as smart tile drains, these drains have a space in the middle for a tile that matches the surrounding floors. A tile insert drain is sleek and attractive, and gives your shower room a seamless and clean look.

  • Point Drains

Point drains can be used to complement a linear channel drain system, or can be used on its own. It is versatile and can be used for small wet areas.

  • Lauxes Grates

Are an elegant solution for water waste drainage both indoors and outdoors. Coming in different depths and widths with an option of standard grate or tile inset, these grates are ideal for showers & bathrooms, balconies, swimming pools and virtually any application you can think of.


huge bathroom with floor waste grate


For great service and premium quality drains, visit Ideal Tiles now. We offer easy to install, and marine grade stainless steel shower drains. Call us today for enquiries!